  Get started
    Why anonymize data
    DBmasker ANO syntax
      Creating the ANO file
      The model
      The schema section
      The user defined classes section
      The tasks and rules section
        Creating Tasks
        Creating masking/anonymization rules
    Code structure and customization
      Code structure
      Code packages and files
        Using text files with multiple columns of data
      Custom code strategies
      Using the application JAR from other Java programs
      Running SAR exports
      Running AnonymizerHotel tasks with embedded jar
    Generate and run
      Generate the java code
      Compile and run the generated program
        Setup your custom code and data
        Configure database driver settings
        Configure database connection settings
        Build using Maven
        Run the application
    DBmasker example project with Derby
        Derby install
      Download the github project
        Create and populate the database
        Investigate the ANO file
      Generate the anonymization/masking program code
      Prepare and setup
        Connect class
        Using Maven, edit pom.xml
      Run the generated application
      Embed the generated code into a java application
      Sample database session
      The sample ano file
    Dbmasker example with H2
    Code structure
    Generate the java code
    Sample code
    Generate the java code
    Sample code
    Creating the ANO file
      Generate the java code
      The generated REST program
        Code packages and files
      The generated Server and REST API
        Sample REST calls using Swagger
      Compile and run the generated program
        Setup your custom code and data
        Configure database driver settings
        Configure database connection settings
        Build using Maven
        Run the generated REST server
      Sample code
    DBerase example project
      Download the github project
        Create and populate the database
        Investigate the ANO file
      Generate the GDPR forget me program code
      Prepare and setup
        Using Maven, edit pom.xml
      Run the generated application
      Sample database session
      The sample ano file
  ANOnymization Examples
    Samples for simple anonymization tasks
      Update Mask
    Special how-to
    CreditCard with validation
    Hotel / Company name
    Mask names
    Phone number
    Tax ID number
  Get started
    Why anonymize data
    DBmasker ANO syntax
      Creating the ANO file
      The model
      The schema section
      The user defined classes section
      The tasks and rules section
        Creating Tasks
        Creating masking/anonymization rules
    Code structure and customization
      Code structure
      Code packages and files
        Using text files with multiple columns of data
      Custom code strategies
      Using the application JAR from other Java programs
      Running SAR exports
      Running AnonymizerHotel tasks with embedded jar
    Generate and run
      Generate the java code
      Compile and run the generated program
        Setup your custom code and data
        Configure database driver settings
        Configure database connection settings
        Build using Maven
        Run the application
    DBmasker example project with Derby
        Derby install
      Download the github project
        Create and populate the database
        Investigate the ANO file
      Generate the anonymization/masking program code
      Prepare and setup
        Connect class
        Using Maven, edit pom.xml
      Run the generated application
      Embed the generated code into a java application
      Sample database session
      The sample ano file
    Dbmasker example with H2
    Code structure
    Generate the java code
    Sample code
    Generate the java code
    Sample code
    Creating the ANO file
      Generate the java code
      The generated REST program
        Code packages and files
      The generated Server and REST API
        Sample REST calls using Swagger
      Compile and run the generated program
        Setup your custom code and data
        Configure database driver settings
        Configure database connection settings
        Build using Maven
        Run the generated REST server
      Sample code
    DBerase example project
      Download the github project
        Create and populate the database
        Investigate the ANO file
      Generate the GDPR forget me program code
      Prepare and setup
        Using Maven, edit pom.xml
      Run the generated application
      Sample database session
      The sample ano file
  ANOnymization Examples
    Samples for simple anonymization tasks
      Update Mask
    Special how-to
    CreditCard with validation
    Hotel / Company name
    Mask names
    Phone number
    Tax ID number