Tax ID number

Tax ID numbers vary for each country, and thus may require different algorithms for validation. The example here is for a Norwegian Tax ID with two Modula 11 checksum numbers.

Mask Tax ID
transformation example.anonymizer.transformations.Person_NO
task MyTaskName
// Anonymize - Mask various fields
update CUSTOMER Anonymize_CUSTOMER
// Mask random Norwegian Tax ID
format "%1$td%1$ty%2$s"
transform Person_NO
random-date 1920-01-01 2020-01-01
random-integer 10000 99999


Norwegian Tax ID

Notice the skip routine, in the Norwegian Tax id a tenth of the numbers are invalid because of the Modula 11 checksum may sometimes give two digits.

Person_NO Java code
package example.anonymizer.transformations;
import no.esito.anonymizer.ITransformation;
import no.esito.anonymizer.transformations.CreditCard;
* Calculate the check-digits in a Norwegian Tax ID.
public class Person_NO implements ITransformation{
public static final String LABEL = "Person_NO - Norwegian ID generation";
public String transform(String input) {
if(input == null || input.isEmpty())
return input;
String s1 = input.substring(0, 9);
String s2 = personCheckDigit(s1);
// If invalid number try next
String s3=""+(Integer.parseInt(input.substring(6, 9))+1002);
return toPersonNO(input.substring(0, 6)+s3.substring(1, 4)+input.substring(9, 11));
return s1+s2;
* Fix last two digits of a Norwegian Social Security Number
* <br>It uses MOD-11 thus it may still create an invalid number
* @param value to be corrected
* @return corrected value
public static String toPersonNO(String value) {
String s1 = value.substring(0, 9);
String s2 = personCheckDigit(s1);
// If invalid number try next
String s3=""+(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(6, 9))+1002);
return toPersonNO(value.substring(0, 6)+s3.substring(1, 4)+value.substring(9, 11));
return s1+s2;
static String personCheckDigit(String value) {
int[] d = CreditCard.getDigits(value);
int k1 = 11 - ((3 * d[0] + 7 * d[1] + 6 * d[2] + 1 * d[3] + 8 * d[4] + 9 * d[5]
+ 4 * d[6] + 5 * d[7] + 2 * d[8]) % 11);
int k2 = 11 - ((5 * d[0] + 4 * d[1] + 3 * d[2] + 2 * d[3] + 7 * d[4] + 6 * d[5]
+ 5 * d[6] + 4 * d[7] + 3 * d[8] + 2 * k1) % 11);
return k1+""+k2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String pnr = "02076829716";
System.out.println("Encode PNR number '" + pnr + "': " + toPersonNO(pnr));